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Send news, editorials, or what-have-you to is run by Rao and Nok. Rao is the art guy and Nok does the HTML. Both contribute to the day to day maintenance and information harvesting.

write to:

Broken links, messed up html, feedback on site design, food donations, organization of zombie hunting parties, ingot smelting, Nethack stories...


write to:

Art critique, copyright infringement, moycon, romantic propositions, bar mitzvahs/birthdays/weddings, whetstone maintenance and operation...

Additionally, we can both often be found on IRC. Connect to and join #swordplay. This isn't an official channel, and we don't guarantee anyone will be there... but if you are just slumming it on IRC and feeling a little daring, please stop in. If you are new to IRC, here is a good place to start.



Um, no one's asked anything yet, let alone asked it frequently



We're here to tell you news about games and the gaming industry that we find of interest (most of which, of course, involving swordplay of some kind). In doing so, we'll always try to include many links to information so you can get the facts for yourself and draw your own conclusions. We like getting to the bottom of things and speculating on why decisions are made the way they are. There may be banners on our site, but they are only part of an exchange program to help create traffic, not to generate revenue. We're not in this for the money. (We're in this for the women!).

If you find that your interests match ours, then feel free to swing by and get some insight into the day's news. If not, then just surf wherever you want to... it's a free 'net... so far...

Swordplay's beginning was rather spontaneous. We had been working long and hard to open a site devoted to computer games based on the works of J.R.R. Tolkien. We were preparing to open our doors when the two biggest games in production were abruptly canceled. With the rug thus pulled out from under us, we found ourselves with a lot of content, but nothing to talk about. We decided to expand our coverage to suit all of our gaming interests... mostly involving good ol' sword and sorcery. Fueled by animosity towards the various evil corporate forces at work in the gaming industry (one of which canceled the Tolkien games), we set out to create a site that would do more than just report on the news. We want our readers to get viewpoints about where the whole business of making computer games is going, who's doing what, how they are doing it, and why. Only with diligence on our part and quality reader input can we achieve this goal. Help us make the place to go to read about your favorite games!


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Site created and maintained by Joel 'Nok' Levin and Matt 'Rao' Adams
All trademarks used are properties of their respective owners
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, All Rights Reserved