
Archive for the ‘General Musings’ Category

Happy Mother’s Day

May 15th, 2006

Yesterday, we celebrated Mother’s Day. Tara said it was her best Mother’s Day ever! I believe her, chiefly for these two reasons:

  1. because it was her first Mother’s Day
  2. because of the awesome gift I gave her

Tara’s recently rediscovered her favorite cocktail, the Cosmopolitan. But this is a drink we’ve never been able to enjoy at home. So I got some martini glasses, a stainless steel shaker, and all the booze, juice, and fruit needed to make a professional Cosmo. It went over quite well. Nothing says “motherhood” like getting all liquored up!

I also cooked both breakfast and dinner, and tried my best to prevent her from lifting a finger all day. No question, she deserved it for all the hard work she does every single day taking care of la bebé.

I have to say, parenthood is not easy. I didn’t think it would be. But I’ve come to realized that there are extra demands placed on mothers by society, by biology, and by their own emotional clockwork. I’ve gaind newfound levels of respect and admiration for all the mothers everywhere, throughout time.

So I’d like to take a moment and wish a (slightly belated) Happy Mother’s Day to all the mom’s in my life: Tara, Betty, Michele, Meg, Nicolle, Sylvia, another Betty, Donna, Kelli, Samantha, Kathy, Nancy, Maxine, Rita, Claire, Alicé, Kate, Sophia’s Mom (sorry, I don’t remember your name!), Melanie, Maria, Paulette, Judie, Maquita, and Toni-Marie. Plus recently departed Moms Genevieve, Johanna, and Selma.

I apologize in advance for any name I forgot to include. It doesn’t mean I don’t love you!

Family, General Musings, Life


October 1st, 2005

Dammit, this is the problem with blogs. You get a little bit distracted, and suddenly four months slip by without a post. Gotta work on that.

I have been playing a fair bit of Sudoku lately. I became vaguely aware of it several weeks ago, and have since noticed people playing it everywhere. So I finally gave it a whirl and now I’m hooked. I see the appeal. It combines simple mathematical beauty with the satisfaction of accomplishment. And it can be played at increasingly difficult “levels” for added challenge.

What’s not to like?

Gaming, General Musings